A large number of pairwise comparisons required as number of alternatives increase. Consistency of the evaluation procedure can be measured. Use of hierarchical structure to present complex decision problem. Applicable only when exact data are available. Applicable only for quantitative attributes.
Specific software or meta-heuristic approach is required to solve it. Difficult to solve due to complex computational procedure. It is used when there are large numbers of alternative choices. It may have continuous or integer decision variables that can usually take on an infinite number of values. Model involves linear or nonlinear objective function and constraints. May or may not figure out the preferred alternatives. Comparatively more difficult to solve than AHP due to complex computational procedure. It is difficult to conceptualize the problem in the absence of a hierarchical structure. Applicable even when there are incomparable alternatives. Applicable for quantitative and qualitative attributes. Decision making by using thresholds of indifference and preference, and outranking method. Normalization is required to solve multi-dimensional problem. Used for selection of the one closest to the ideal solution. Measures the distance of the alternatives from the ideal solution. Specific software is required to solve it. There are more pairwise comparison matrices in ANP than AHP. It depicts the dependence and influences of the factors involved to the goal or higher-level performance objective. ANP is capable of handling feedbacks and interdependencies. A decision support tool is provided for the decision makers in this paper to manage, evaluate and rank the planned reservoirs in the Indus River. We demonstrate the application of the above-mentioned methods to the case study of the Indus Reservoir system in Pakistan.
Furthermore, in order to rank the selected reservoirs based on their performance, the Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) is applied, which is a multicriteria decision making method. In order to model the fuzziness, equivocacy, incomplete knowledge and ambiguity, the fuzzy AHP is used. Weight calculation for the criteria is done by the fuzzy AHP method, which is a multi-criteria decision-making method. Potential feasible locations are identified from the Water and Power Development Authority, Pakistan. The framework proposed in this paper involves the fuzzy AHP-TOPSIS method for the ranking of reservoirs in Pakistan. The reservoirs ranking is a vital problem which involves multi-criteria decision-making. The ranking of the reservoirs in Pakistan is an important decision and it has a vital impact on the sustainability of the region and the economic operation of the reservoir.