But gun sales have also exploded since then, driven by “panic buying” over fears of more gun control. A 2012 Congressional Research Service report put the number at nearly 300 million. It’s equally difficult to determine how many guns are in the United States. adults lived in a household with a gun and 30 percent owned a gun themselves. A more recent Pew Research Center survey estimated that in 2017, 42 percent of U.S. One estimate comes from the General Social Survey, which says about a third of American households ─ and 22 percent of individual adults ─ reported having a firearm in 2014. It’s impossible to say for sure because there is no national registry of guns or gun owners. State-level laws, meanwhile, remain patchwork, with many expanding gun rights and others restricting them.

That led to the rise of the National Rifle Association as a political force, with the Second Amendment as its core principal.

Robert Kennedy, and calls by the Black Panthers and other black radicals for African-Americans to arm themselves. The next wave came in the late 1960s, in response to the assassinations of President John F. The first modern gun-control laws, which targeted machine guns, sawed-off shotguns and required federal licensing of gun dealers, were passed in the 1930s with Prohibition-era gangsters in mind. Prohibitions against black people owning guns continued until the late 1800s, with the passage of new civil rights laws. A 1792 law required all eligible white men to buy a gun and enroll in a citizen militia, but those guns were also registered under state laws, according to UCLA Law professor Adam Winkler.
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In the early days of the republic, black people ─ free and slaves ─ were barred from owning guns, as were Native Americans and people who did not pledge loyalty to the new country.